Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It Finally Feels Like Christmas

It hasn't really felt like Christmas this year, what with the being laid off and having no money. But tonight, my mom and I sat around the table, wrapping presents and listening to Christmas music with Sammy at our feet. Wrapping presents (and doing the ribbons) is hands-down my favorite part of Christmas. Plus, I finally found Amy Grant's "Home for Christmas" CD (a favorite from childhood). It was the perfect evening.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 16, 2011

A Day at the Movies

So I saw "Mission Impossible 4" in IMAX. I rarely see anything the day it opens, but my mom and I loved the first one and really liked the third one. (The second one was almost unwatchable.)

I had forgotten how amazing and big the screen is; the picture seems to go all the way to the floor and finally just disappears behind the first row of seats.  I can only imagine how awesome it would be in 3D.  On the other hand, the screen is so big, you can't see the entire thing at once. My eyes were constantly moving, trying to take in everything. It kind of gave me a headache. Not too bad, though. Anyway . . .

The movie itself was pretty good. It's exactly what you expect it to be: lots of action, lots of shooting, lots of cool gadgets (kind of like Bond movies before Daniel Craig). I loved Simon Pegg's character; I hope he stays on. I wish there had been more of Jeremy Renner's character, especially considering he's supposed to be taking over the franchise. I also didn't care for the ending in Seattle; it was a little cheesy.

Overall, it was a good movie that I'll most likely watch a few times on Netflix.

Here's the trailer if you're interested.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Apparently there's a theme.

So this is the third post in a row featuring songs that I always get stuck in my head. Aren't you lucky? This is an oldie but a goodie.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This is happening.

This is real, and it is magical.  This woman has made over a dozen records, both covers and originals.  This is an original Christmas song that explains how Santa visits all the children of the world in just one night. Also, her producer is named Rappy McRapperson. True story. Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Greatest Food-Themed Christmas Song Ever!

Dear Non-Existent Reader:

I heard this last year on the Kevin & Bean show, and I couldn't get it out of my head for weeks. After you watch it, you'll never hear the question "Whatcha makin'?" the same way again.

First Post

Dear Non-Existent Reader:

As the title suggests, I know no one is reading this. And if by some miracle they are, it's because they stumbled upon this site accidentally and are now desperately trying to get to another page. This is basically just an outlet for me. (That's just what the Internet needs -- more angry venting.)

Anyway, with that glowing intro, I will move on to my first post.